Railway track crack detection system project ppt crack#
Among other factors, the cracks are developed on the railway tracks due to absence of the inefficient timely detection Our work involves a project that aims of designing a railway crack detection system (RCDS) using an Ultrasonic Sensor, The GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), GPS (Global Positioning System) and Arduino based module whose implementation is an efficient method of detecting the cracks which are present in the tracks and thus avoiding derailment of the trains. However, with regard to reliability, dependability, and passenger safety of Indian Railways is not up to the global standards. The Indian Railways consists one of the largest railway networks in the whole world, crises-crossing over 1, 15,000 km in distance, all over India. Arduino Microcontrollers used to control and coordinate the activities of this device. This project discusses a Railway track crack detection using sensors and is a dynamic approach that combines the use of a GPS tracking system to send alert messages and the geographical coordinate of location. Therefore, there is a need to have new technology which will be robust, efficient, and stable for both crack detection in railway track as well as to object detection.

The main cause of the accidents happened in railways are railway track crossing and unrevealed crack in railway tracks. In India, railway transportation service is the cheap and the majority convenient mode of passenger transport and also for long-distance and suburban traffic.